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Several things about me  

  • I live and grew up and Zagreb, Croatia.

  • Athlete: I have been regularly engaged in sports training for over 20 years. Sports fan.

  • Positive: I have an optimistic outlook on life, people, the world, and the times we are fortunate to live in.

  • I have spent some time working and traveling abroad, including living in Vienna, among other.

  • I love traveling, exploring, and seeking adventures. I've been to over 30 countries and more than 100 cities/places abroad, many of them multiple times, on different occasions. Skydived in the US. Done horseback riding through the jungle in Costa Rica. Experienced Norway's fjord landscape by bike. On business in Shenzhen, Zurich. I travel whenever I can.

  • Currently, I’m a LOB (Line of Business) Manager in the IT industry, focusing on the digitization of business processes and the digital transformation of business systems. I've been in IT for over 10 years and in business for over 15.

  • I've run several entrepreneurial and partnership projects. Active and regularly involved in innovative and impactful initiatives, ventures, and projects.

  • Learning foreign languages has been a continuous part of my life since my student days - something of a hobby.

  • I strive to incorporate the philosophies and lessons from 'Blue Zones' into my life. Mediterranean soul.

  • I'm passionate about sailing and have earned my skipper's license. Although I've done some sailing, I'm still in the early stages of this journey and have much to learn and experience.

  • Recently, I've attended cooking workshops and have started spending some time exploring the diversity of world cuisines through cooking.

  • I love and appreciate my family and friends, and I love music. And I will never give up coffee! :)


Several things I believe  

  • Life is multidimensional. Family is foundational.

  • Gratitude leads to better health and happiness.

  • Unconditional trust and reliability are of the highest value.

  • Freedom is an ultimate right that comes with responsibility. Respect for others is the other side of that coin.

  • True friendships are priceless and should be respected and appreciated.

  • Words are powerful; communication is an open art through which we paint reality, though it’s often far from a masterpiece. :)

  • Energy matters - our personality shapes our personal reality in every aspect of life.

  • Strong character and integrity are crucial; they define who we are and how we navigate life daily. An area for continuous improvement. 

  • Action and speed matter - it's important to act on our ideas, and to do so swiftly.

  • Enthusiasm is one of the most underrated yet most valuable and scarce resources.

  • Strong focus is an incomparable skill and a great advantage in life. Meditation helps, as does spiritual balance.

  • To achieve something, think of ways of getting there, not of ways of not getting there.

  • Always prioritize fostering connections and emphasizing positivity over promoting division and negativity.

  • We are responsible for our lives and influence how they unfold. No blaming or complaining.

  • We use knowledge for interpretation of present - process of gaining and applying it is what also makes life never-ending excitement.

  • Science and technology can greatly enhance every aspect of our lives and propel society forward. Accent here is on 'can'.

  • Technological innovations in the coming years will significantly help us move in the right direction regarding climate change. While there are certain exaggerations about human impact, individual contributions, like recycling and reducing plastic use, certainly matter.

  • Collaboration should always be humanity’s preferred choice. We grow and progress in peace, though defending it is often necessary.

  • The world will be a completely different place in the 2030s.

Current Interests 

  • Building and managing digital asset portfolios

  • Implementing and applying AI and automation

  • Developing innovative projects and business ventures

Q1 2024

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